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Pavement Cross-Section Viewer

Welcome to Pavement Cross-Section Viewer help tour. During this help tour, you will learn how to view the Cross-Section information for the LTPP sections. With just a few clicks through this tour, you’ll be ready to examine the cross-section structure information related to the LTPP sections. Ready?

Find Sections

Under the “Find Sections” panel on the left hand side of your screen, there are number of filters that can assist you in narrowing down your search for LTPP sections. These filters are categorized as General, Structure, Climate, Traffic, and Performance.

If you point your mouse over each filter, you will see a description that explains how each filter works. For example, you can filter to find sections that are more than 25 years old using the Age filter.

Filter Menu

In the “Find Sections” panel bar, you will see different options under filter menu. If you filter your search criteria using “Find Sections,” you can save your filters by clicking on the “Save Filters” option in the “Filter Menu”. When you click on the “Save Filters” menu option, a new window will appear asking you to name your set of filters.

You can then open the saved filters by clicking on the “Open Filters” option in the “Filter Menu.” When you open a saved set of filters, InfoPave will automatically apply your saved filters.

Section Information Bar

Section information bar shows the number of selected sections which have been filtered using the "Find Sections" panel. Other available options are "Show Sections" and "Go To…". The "Show Sections" button allows you to see the list of your selected sections and corresponding general information within each state or province.

The "Go To…" feature provides quick access and switching capability among a series of InfoPave features such as Maps, Section Summary Report, Section Timeline, Pavement Cross-Section Viewer and others. For example, you can locate the sections on a map or visualize data to make sure that you have selected the sections you had in mind.

State/Province and Section

Select a specific state or province of your interest from the State/Province menu. Then, use the “Section” drop-down menu to choose a specific section within the specific state or province.

For Example: When no filters are applied and Texas is selected under State/Province, the first section that appears in the “Section” drop-down menu is 48-0001. Here, 48 is the state code for Texas and 0001 is the SHRP ID (Section ID).

Remember: Only those sections that pass all applied filters will appear in the drop-down menus.

Pavement Layer Legend

Image Box represents the graphical display of layer type used.

Every box represents brief information of layer with tooltip information displaying the width of respective layer.

Pavement Cross-Section Layers

Pavement Cross-Section viewer represents layer materials and thickness information in the form of graphics and allows users to visualize the data. This feature is able to dynamically display layer information to compare between different construction events.

Previous and Next

Each map represents 50 feet of the test section. If you click next, you will see the distress map for the next 50 feet along the length of the test section.

Time Slider Bar

You can control the construction dates by using previous, play, stop, and next buttons under the slider bar. Additionally, you can choose the construction date by clicking and dragging the slider.

The red symbols along the slider bar indicate when maintenance/rehabilitation occurred throughout the pavement’s LTPP monitoring period.

If you point your mouse over these red symbols on the slider bar, InfoPave will also show construction information.

Compare Distresses

If you select the “Compare Distresses” tab, you will see different dates when the section was surveyed throughout the pavement’s LTPP monitoring history.

You can select different survey dates to compare the distress maps side by side and observe how distresses change throughout the pavement’s LTPP monitoring history.

Survey Dates

If you select two dates, two distress maps will appear on the screen. These two distress maps display the same 50 feet of the test section at the two different times selected from the survey dates.

Click on Previous/Next tab on the distress map to change the location along the pavement length.

Please update your selection criteria, there are no more sections that meet your criteria.
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: Visualization

Find Sections
Find Sections (a.k.a. Section Filters) provides filter criteria to narrow down the selection of LTPP test sections. Users can apply filters from multiple classifications at their discretion. Selected Section Count is updated in real-time as the user applies filters.